One Paper Accepted by IEEE S&P 2023
Our paper “3DFed: Adaptive and Extensible Framework for Covert Backdoor Attack in Federated Learning” has been accepted by IEEE S&P 2023.
Our paper “3DFed: Adaptive and Extensible Framework for Covert Backdoor Attack in Federated Learning” has been accepted by IEEE S&P 2023.
Our paper “Differential Aggregation against General Colluding Attackers” has been accepted by IEEE ICDE 2023.
Our paper “Stateful Switch: Optimized Time Series Release with Local Differential Privacy” has been accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2023.
Our paper “TED: Towards Discovering Top-? Edge-Diversified Patterns in a Graph Database” has been accepted by ACM SIGMOD 2023.
Our paper “MExMI: Pool-based Active Model Extraction Crossover Membership Inference” has been accepted in Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.
Dr. Hu has been awarded a RGC/GRF grant with project title “Evasive Federated Learning Attacks through Differential Privacy: Mechanisms and Mitigations”. The total amount is HK$941,434. Meanwhile, Dr. Hu has also been awarded a CRF with project title “User-Controlled Secure Data Sharing and Analytics with Blockchain and Trusted Computing Technologies” as a co-PI. The project coordinator is Prof. Jianliang Xu from Hong Kong Baptist University. […]
Dr. Hu has been awarded HK$838,393 for project titled “Sword of Two Edges: Adversarial Machine Learning from Privacy-Aware Users”. Dr. Ye has been awarded HK$838,393 for project titled “Byzantine-Robust Data Collection under Local Differential Privacy Model”.
Dr. Hu has been awarded a new NSFC project (面上项目, 2021-2024) with title “机器学习即服务中的防欺诈和完整性验证研究”, for 570,000 RMB.