One Paper Accepted by IEEE ICDE 2023
Our paper “Differential Aggregation against General Colluding Attackers” has been accepted by IEEE ICDE 2023.
Our paper “Differential Aggregation against General Colluding Attackers” has been accepted by IEEE ICDE 2023.
Our paper “Stateful Switch: Optimized Time Series Release with Local Differential Privacy” has been accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2023.
Our paper “TED: Towards Discovering Top-? Edge-Diversified Patterns in a Graph Database” has been accepted by ACM SIGMOD 2023.
Our paper “MExMI: Pool-based Active Model Extraction Crossover Membership Inference” has been accepted in Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.
Dr. Hu has been awarded a RGC/GRF grant with project title “Evasive Federated Learning Attacks through Differential Privacy: Mechanisms and Mitigations”. The total amount is HK$941,434. Meanwhile, Dr. Hu has also been awarded a CRF with project title “User-Controlled Secure Data Sharing and Analytics with Blockchain and Trusted Computing Technologies” as a co-PI. The project coordinator is Prof. Jianliang Xu from Hong Kong Baptist University. […]
Dr. Hu has been awarded HK$838,393 for project titled “Sword of Two Edges: Adversarial Machine Learning from Privacy-Aware Users”. Dr. Ye has been awarded HK$838,393 for project titled “Byzantine-Robust Data Collection under Local Differential Privacy Model”.
Dr. Hu has been awarded a new NSFC project (面上项目, 2021-2024) with title “机器学习即服务中的防欺诈和完整性验证研究”, for 570,000 RMB.